Monday, January 07, 2008

Random Post: My Childhood Lake House

I was surfing the internets this past weekend and landed on a house plans website. You know, one of those sites that boasts "Thousands of House Plans for Today's Lifestyle!". Never mind how I got there. However, I happened to run across the original plans for my childhood lake house.

My family built this house. I grew up spending weekends there, on Lake Cypress Springs in the piney woods of deep East Texas.

Granted, my mother couldn't build it "as is", so she replaced the giant standard staircase with a 1970's metal spiral stair....painted chartreuse. I kid you not. And, we moved the fireplace to the front outer living area wall to open up the space and extend the kitchen counter.

The design isn't really modern, per se. It is more "1970's Contemporary Lake House". And that's when it was built. We're talking cedar paneling here, folks.

Running across the plans brought back a thousand happy memories. My parents let me help select the house plans; I suppose because it was a secondary home and they felt indulgent that day. It was a thrill for me, at about 8 years old, to help my parents make decisions on what the house would look like. I thought it was indescribably beautiful.

I wish I still had that house.


  1. what a beautiful post....

  2. I love 1970's cedar paneling homes. My husband and I contemplated buying a similar one. I'm sure it was an amazing home!

  3. i love this house plan. so unique. would you happen to have any pictures you could share? i was actually thinking of building this one someday.
